Project 13: Economic evaluation of water and land management options in agriculture under climate change

Addressing the pressing challenges posed by climate change in the Middle East, particularly the intensification of droughts, requires the exploration of alternative water management strategies. An important example are rainwater harvesting techniques such as contour ridges. However, it is important to understand the costs and benefits of these techniques and to investigate policy options that provide suitable incentives for the implementation of such measures.

Our project aims to conduct a cost-benefit analysis of these strategies in the context of the Jordanian rangelands, taking into account the costs and benefits to farmers and the surrounding environment, as well as broader societal impacts. In a second step, we assess the local population’s preferences for policies incentivizing the implementation of contour ridges. To do so, we will conduct a choice experiment to assess willingness to accept payments for the implementation of rainwater harvesting measures. Ultimately, this approach aims to develop cost-effective water management solutions tailored to the unique context of the Middle East. The goal is to contribute to resilience-building efforts in the region and inform policy design.


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